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Tajik citizens captured Kyrgyz houses in Leilek and took head of Kyrgyz village hostage

Tajik military vehicles are driving through the village of Borborduk in the Jany-Jer rural district of the Leilek district of Batken region, the press service of the Batken region police confirmed on April 30.


Tajik servicemen have captured houses belonging to Kyrgyz nationals in the village. The head of the International village went to the site to check the reports about two deaths, and the Tajik citizens took him hostage.

Criminal probe into crimes against peace was launched.

Earlier today the parties reached a ceasefire deal and agreed on withdrawal of military units and equipment from conflict zone.

The situation in a number of border villages of Leilek district remains tense. Occasional shots are heard there. 17 houses were completely burned down in Kok-Terek village, Batken district, Batken region governor's office reports on April 30.

A number of houses and gas stations burned in some other villages of Batken and Leilek districts.

Tensions on the border of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan escalated on April 28-29 and exchange of fire occurred between the military units of two sides.

13 Kyrgyz citizens were killed, including a 12-year-old girl. At least 134 Kyrgyzstanis were injured.





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