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AUCA the best 2

AUCA the best 2

The Turkish clinic has signed an agreement with Dr. Osipova

On February 9-11, the Kyrgyz–Turkish business forum was held in Ankara, the capital of Türkiye, as part of the 11th meeting of the Kyrgyz-Turkish Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation. The forum was aimed at establishing business ties and implementing investment projects. As a result of the event, bilateral agreements on investment trade and economic cooperation were signed.

One of these agreements was signed between Memorial Ankara Hospital and Dr. Osipova. The agreement provides for the exchange of experience, consultations, and mutually beneficial partnership.

Memorial Ankara Hastanesi Clinic is one of the largest private hospitals in the capital of Türkiye. It specializes in cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, medical oncology, and orthopedics. Memorial Ankara Hastanesi became the first medical organization in Türkiye to receive a certificate from the Joint Commission Internationa (JCI).

Ekaterina Osipova is a cardiovascular surgeon with more than ten years of experience. She has qualifications in laser technology, lymphology, and homeopathy. Osipova graduated with honors from the International Institute of Integrated Preventive and Anti-aging Medicine PREVENTION. All her diplomas are apostilled in the USA. She notes that her main goal is to prevent various diseases and improve the quality of life.




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AUCA the best 2

AUCA the best 2

AUCA the best 2

AUCA the best 2

AUCA the best 2

AUCA the best 2